Mater-Bi mulching film

Discover the testimonials of growers that use Bio360 mulch films made of MATER-BI biodegradable and compostable bioplastics
Trevor Hardy, Brookdale Fruit Farm Inc. Hollis, PA
“Bio360 is the most durable and reliable of the degradable plastics in the market. We have been using it exclusively for the past 3 years on 40 acres at Brookdale Fruit Farm Inc. On all cucurbits crops, some tomatoes, and winter squash and the product performs as stated and breaks down when needed. No residue or scraps are left and the crop is protected throughout the growing cycle. This product saves us 20 man hours per acre a year in plastic removal and allows for early cover cropping to improve soil health. It’s so much simpler and faster to just have to pull drip tape, harrow, and plant a cover crop than deal with picking up plastic. Bio360 in our experience is the only biodegradable plastic that performs flawlessly year over year with repeated quality in the product and benefit for the cost.“
Dan O'Brien. CSA Farmer, Coverdale Farm Preserve
"Bio360 is fantastic, we don't have to pick it up at the end it's the biggest advantage. Because time we spend to pull up plastic is nightmare. Cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloups, tomatoes, onions, eggplant, pumpkins everything we grow on plastic we start switching on Bio 6 years ago."
Jim Line. Valleys Best. Carlisle, PA.
"We love Bio360 it does what it supposed to do on our sweet potatoes crops, nothing left into the soil after season done."
Dave King Kings Sweet Corn & Produce, Chester County, PA
"I start using Bio360 4 years ago and every year I am doing more & more. I used it for my tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and squash, late in the season I notice where it’s start to degrade the weeds doesn’t grow after. Also, the Bio360 warm up the soil as good as plastic film."
Raymond Sobolesky II Drum’s Produce, Bloomsburgh, PA
"It works, I disc it under at the end of the season and its gone. I buy more every year and now will use on all plastic application."